From the recording Freedom Falls Like Rain


You’ve got it all figured out
The stars and the planets
You’ve mapped them all,
But still this space is empty
Questions, they circle
Like bees around your head
Then a voice inside you says
“Just believe instead”
Freedom falls like raindrops 
On your white summer dress
Loving you
You dream at night
Of clear horizons
Of crisp, blue skies
And breaths in freedom
But the world it tells you
That you’re not good enough
Then a voice inside you says
“Darling, you’re loved”
Let it go
Love has paid the cost
Let it go
Open this locked door to your heart
Let it go
Let freedom’s raindrop’s fall
And in this space that’s empty
He’ll fill it with brilliant light 
Freedom falls like raindrops 
On your white summer dress
Freedom falls like rain
Freedom falls like rain
Loving you